Dr. Dan Carroll

Batchelor of Clinical Sciences Master of Osteopathic Medicine

Dan has 25 years of experience in Remedial Massage and Osteopathy. He takes a

whole person approach, looking at your physical, emotional, and energetic needs, and

delivers a treatment that creates a deep and long lasting improvement in your health

and wellbeing.

Dan uses a range of manual therapy techniques, from the very gentle to firmer

treatment methods, with the goal of creating a safe, supportive space for your body to

heal itself. This is one of the core principles of Osteopathy, and treating in this way

respects the wisdom of the body and the healing power within.

Dan has just completed the Graduate Certificate in Gestalt (Somatic- Based)

Psychotherapy, and is continuing on to complete the 4 year Master’s course.

In his spare time you’ll find him outdoors, either down the beach, surfing, biking, or

hiking one of the region’s beautiful nature trails.